Tramvajová GVBeestje drtí Pokémony

Zdá se, že letošní léto patří Pokémonům, ale není to úplně pravda. V Amsterdamu vládne v tramvajích GVBeestje! Velmi jednoduchá a vtipná „hra“, která Vás zabaví při cestě tramvají a místo do mobilu se opět díváte z okna.

Dopravní podnik v Amsterdamu používá zkratku GVB, proto GVBeestje!

Pokémon GO is the talk of the town since the game was released earlier in July, but while the buzz subsists and fraudulent apps mushroom, another game with a similar concept but even realer feel emerged in Amsterdam. GVBeestje allows players to enjoy the Augmented Reality experience, without the side effects of sore legs, bill shocks, and drained phone batteries. The game is minimalistic, requiring one sticker and a pair of eyes. A sticker of a little blue monster with an open mouth is pasted to the window of a moving bus, and passengers are invited to play by moving their heads up and down so as to “capture” or superpose pedestrians in the background into the creature’s mouth. The more people end between the jaws of the blue beast, the more points a player earns. Having fun can be super simple, yeah? The game is created by Amsterdam-based interactive artist Daniel Disselkoen, with the aim of inciting people to put down their phones for a while, according to the artist’s website “Headmade.” And if players still can’t get over their phones after the game, they can share their scores on Twitter with the hashtag #GVBeestje. Check out the online photos posted by some players. #headmade #pokemongo #Amsterdam

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